My name is Matt Fesquet and I studied at Paul Valéry University, in game design. I specialize in narrative, game design, and writing and would love to work with you!
Passionate about video games and their design, I love working on thoughtful game mechanics and powerful, well-rounded narratives. I am particularly interested in environmental storytelling and its strength as a narrative. I also appreciate working on Game Design Documents and researching documentation for the upcoming games I work on.
As an avid book lover, I read and write in my free time. My "To Be Read" pile is an ever-growing entity with a mind of its own and I have made my peace with the fact that I will always be behind on my reading.
Here you can find my portfolio with links to play the games and prototypes I have worked on, some personal projects showcasing my other passions and abilities. You will also find some writing samples to gauge my capacities.
If you wish to contact me, you are welcome to do so on my LinkedIn!